Our Brands


A balanced, bold, and exquisite cigar loved by many

This handmade cigar originating in the Dominican Republic is known for its no-nonsense simplicity while boasting the complexity of producing a fine, quality, and sensational cigar that’s a pleasure to smoke. With sturdy craftsmanship coming from Tabacalera de Garcia production lines, VegaFina cigars are a much-coveted light to a medium-strength product that has gained popularity in all corners of the world.

VegaFina Original became one of the most popular cigars all over Europe, and today its distinct fragrance, medium strength, and the smooth smoking experience it boasts make it a favorite of cigar connoisseurs in all corners of the world. The final product brings the best of luxury, each Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper hand-picked and selected for excellence. VegaFina Original’s long-filler blends quality tobacco leaves from Honduras and Colombia, and a name that maintains popularity and a grand reputation for years to come.

The VegaFina 1998 product line delivers 3 years of tobacco leaf fermentation, with the brand name for the year it was in fact established. Its sophistication in the blend and the unique aging process of tobacco leaves give smokers a satisfying experience of tasting a refined and full-bodied flavor, balanced and playful in its various scents and intricacies.

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