Pure organic tobacco for a pleasurable smoking
When a brand like Manitou Organic Tobacco comes up in discussions, most will recognize it for quality, purity, and a smooth organic smoking experience. With its unique approach to organic tobacco farming, the brand offers various tobacco blends, (from Manitou Green, Manitou Fine Green, Virginia Pink, and more), each free of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Renewable resources are used to focus on core values of quality, sustainability, and a green and earth-friendly methodology to produce the highest level of pure tobacco products.
Free of additives, humectants, preservatives, or synthetic flavors, Manitou has offered organic tobacco for over 250 years. The brand focuses on creating a pleasurable smoking experience since 1770, maintaining growth with versatility, flexibility, and powerful innovation driving the success of product developments and meeting market demands. To date, the ancestors of founder Johann Wilhelm von Eicken run the medium-sized organization based in Germany, with over 750 employees, providing quality tobacco products to over 120 countries.