Our Brands

Casa de Garcia

Blending quality and affordable prices in a reputable cigar

Produced in the Dominican Republic for an affordable cigar that never compromises quality, flavor, or consistency in delivering a cigar loved by many smokers all over the world, Case de Garcia blends aged tobacco filler from Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Its smooth Connecticut binder and Connecticut Shade wrapper keep its buoyant fragrance at the center of its taste, for a sweet and more subtle cigar-smoking experience.

Considered a generally more accessible cigar for its reasonable prices and range of products, Casa de Garcia speaks to the cigar-lover who wants to respect his pocket while still indulging in a memorable smoking phenomenon. Product lines vary with cigars ranging in strength and flavor but are overall consistently built with fine craftsmanship and smoothly wrapped, offering a satiating, mellow, yet well-rounded aroma and flavor.

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